I just LOVE this little man and his family and am so blessed to have been able to have the chance to get to know them since his first session as a newborn. They are all so precious and sweet! And these shots of him are my favorites yet,..love them!!
I am a photographer,..a mommy,...a wife,...and blessed to be able to take in every one of these priceless moments given to me by my creator so fully and completely!
The boring stuff:
On shoots: Please do not bring your personal camera to this. I am sure you understand!
Also, please bring the minimum number of helpers to a shoot, as it cuts down on any added chaos or distractions. Added onlookers also tend to make the subject feel more "on stage" and sometimes a little "insecure".
Please also understand all photos are protected under copyright law. Any offense without a written expressed print release permission from Camden Photography is subject to a minimum $500 per offense fine. This is my livelihood and what I work so hard and so many hours to be able to deliver to you. I am sure you understand this as well!
Genia Roberson
Genia, Thank you again for doing such a great job! You are so talented! Anthony, Jennifer, and Lleyton